Enhance security
TrueXn Visitor solution creates first-line of defence at the entry. It is designed with safety and security in mind
Capture Govt. ID of visitor
You don’t have to keep a manual register to note down visitor details. Our system automatically captures it from Govt. ID cards. There is no scope for error and their true identities can be traced back

Visitor tracking
With TrueXn, there is real-time monitoring of waiting visitors, in and out timings, overstays, unauthorized entries, blacklisted entries and more. Get notifications and actionable insights for better rules and regulations
Emergency alerts
Issue evacuation messages, overstay alerts or safety notices through the TrueXn system. One system message can alert all offices, branches or stores

Sign visitor NDA
Protect your intellectual property by ensuring that suppliers and vendors dealing with your confidential data sign NDA before entering the premise.
We offer practical features

Safety tips and

Visiting hours

Control visitor’s exit
after meeting

Reports of visitors
coming off hours

unwanted visitor

Admin dashboard

self declaration

Daily summary
message for admins

Checkin with face scan
or OTP or QR code

Pre-register visitors
and custom workflows
Do you want to know more?
Get in Touch
Trusted by 100+ customers

– Kshitij Godbole, Deputy Manager

– Mahesh Babar, Senior Manager IT

– Smita Ringane, Senior Executive

– Jayshree Venkatraman, Principal

– Dr. V. Premnath, Director